Bio-Medical Sciences and Engineering


Recent years breakthrough discoveries in health sciences have generally been achieved by effective cooperation between interdisciplinary research teams, which included members from medicine, basic sciences and engineering. Such a cooperation provides a broad visionary approach and strong scientific basis for a better understanding of the health related problems and allows the development of novel technologies to improve the quality of life. Koç University Biomedical Sciences and Engineering (BMSE) MS and PhD programs have been developed with this philosophy in mind and offer unique, truly interdisciplinary graduate education and leading edge research opportunities for students with different disciplines, which include basic sciences (chemistry, physics and biological sciences) engineering (chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering), medicine and related health sciences programs and provide them with the vision, knowledge and tools to become the future leaders.

Degree Requirements

Applicants can apply to our PhD programs with a BS or MS degree. PhD students admitted with a BS degree must be completed at least 14 courses and 42 credits, as well as the seminar course, by the end of the sixth semester and take the qualifying exam no later than the seventh semester. PhD students admitted with a MS degree must be completed at least 7 courses and 21 credits, as well as the seminar course, by the end of the fourth semester and take the qualifying exam no later than the fifth semester.

In addition to the credit courses, students must complete the non-credit courses; BMSE 695 – PhD Thesis, BMSE 590 Seminar, ETHR 500 – Scientific Research Methods and Research and Publication Ethics, ENGL 500 – Academic Writing, TEAC 500 – Teaching Experience, KOLT 500 -Teaching in Higher Education and LIBR 500 – Library Researcher Development.