
Degree Requirements

Please check the following areas to get more information about non-thesis programs, thesis programs, PhD program qualifications and education periods.

M.S. Non-Thesis Programs

  • General Overview

Non-thesis Master programs are comprised of thirty credits and at least ten courses with a term project course.

At most three of the courses that the student takes may be selected amongst the undergraduate courses, conditional on the student not having taken the courses during the undergraduate education.

  • Period of Study

The duration of the non-thesis Master program, not including the time spent on scientific preparation and regardless of which semesters the student has registered for, is at least two and at most three semesters, starting from the period in which courses related to the registered program are given.

M.S. Thesis Programs

  • General Overview

A master program with Thesis is comprised of at least seven courses conditional on not being less than twenty one credits in total, at least one seminar course and a thesis study. Seminar course and thesis study are non-credit courses and they are evaluated as either “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory”.

At most two of the courses that the student will take can be selected from undergraduate courses conditional on not having been taken during undergraduate education. Moreover, with the recommendation of the department board and with the approval of the Executive Council two courses at most can be selected amongst the courses given by other Universities.

  • Period of Study

The duration of the Master program, not including the time spent on scientific preparation and regardless of which semesters the student has registered for, is four semesters, starting from the period in which the courses for the registered program are given and it should be completed in six semesters at most.

Ph.D. Programs

  • General Overview

For students who are accepted with a thesis Master degree, the doctoral program comprises of at least 21 credits including seven courses, at least a seminar course, a qualification exam, a thesis proposal and a thesis study. For students who are accepted with a Bachelor degree, doctoral program comprises of at least 42 credits in total including at least 14 courses, at least a seminar course, a qualification exam, a thesis proposal and a thesis study.

In doctoral programs, with the recommendation of the department board and with the approval of the executive council, at most two courses for students who are accepted with a Master degree and at most four courses for the students who are accepted with a Bachelor degree can be selected among courses given in other Universities.

Undergraduate courses do not account for the course load and the doctoral credit.

  • Period of Study

The duration of the doctoral program, not including the time spent on scientific preparation and regardless of which semesters the student has registered for, is at least eight and at most twelve semesters for students accepted with a Master degree, and is at least ten and at most fourteen semesters for students accepted with a Bachelor degree, starting from the period in which courses related to the registered program are given.

The maximum time allowed to successfully complete the credit courses required by the doctoral program is four semesters for the students who are accepted with a thesis Master degree and six semesters for the students who are accepted with a Bachelor degree.

  • Qualifying Exam

Students who are accepted with a Master degree must take the qualifying exam until the end of the fifth semester, and students who are accepted with a Bachelor degree must take the qualifying exam until the end of the seventh semester the latest.