General Graduation Guidelines:
Prior to the start of the semester in which you anticipate to graduate you should review the instructions below. This will help ensure that you have met all of the requirements necessary before graduation. The following are general guidelines to consider when verifying your graduation eligibility:
- Create a request via GSSE Track-it for a graduation check to the Graduate School, at least one month prior to the semester you intend to graduate. Graduate School staff will review your KUSIS profile to verify that you have met all course requirements to graduate. You will be informed if you need to take additional courses or if you have other missing requirements. This will provide you with sufficient time to register for the necessary courses during your final semester.
- You will receive emails from the Graduate School during the start of each term regarding graduation deadlines. These emails will contain the important deadlines for graduation. Please pay careful attention to these deadlines.
Please notify the Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering regarding the below requirements before the thesis defense:
- Thesis jury members must be appointed and the names must be sent to Graduate School 3 weeks before the thesis defense date by the filling the “Thesis Jury Appointment Form” which can be found below.
- Send your copy of whole thesis as a report with the thesis submission form to all thesis jury members at least 10 days (for PhD) and a week (for MS thesis) prior to the thesis defense date. All thesis copies are now required to be scanned through turnitin. Since you have only one right to upload your thesis to turnitin please make sure that you have uploaded the correct version before the deadline. The student must submit a plagiarism program report to the jury members with their thesis and must get jury’s signatures on thesis submission form. “Thesis Submission Form” can be found below. You can log in to turnitin with your own account. You should follow the below steps to upload your thesis;
Class: Bio-Medical Sciences and Engineering |
Enrollment password: BMSE123 |
Class ID: 45380480 |
Class: Chemical and Biological Engineering |
Enrollment password: CHBI123 |
Class ID: 45380519 |
Class: Chemistry |
Enrollment password: CHEM123 |
Class ID: 45380537 |
Class: Computational Sciences and Engineering |
Enrollment password: CMSE123 |
Class ID: 45380550 |
Class: Computer Sciences and Engineering |
Enrollment password: COMP123 |
Class ID: 45380556 |
Class: Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Enrollment password: ELEC123 |
Class ID: 45380573 |
Class: Industrial Engineering / Industrial Engineering and Operation Management |
Enrollment password: INDR123 |
Class ID: 45380582 |
Class: Materials Science and Engineering |
Enrollment password: MASE123 |
Class ID: 45380591 |
Class: Mathematics |
Enrollment password: MATH123 |
Class ID: 45380600 |
Class: Mechanical Engineering |
Enrollment password: MECH123 |
Class ID: 45380610 |
Class: Molecular Biology and Genetics |
Enrollment password: MBGE123 |
Class ID: 45380620 |
Class: Physics |
Enrollment password: PHYS123 |
Class ID: 45380635 |
- Schedule your defense date at least 10 days (for PhD) and a week (for MS thesis) prior to the thesis defense date (Graduate School will assist you with room booking).
- For the thesis defense announcement; send electronic copy of the abstract of your thesis 1 week before the defense date to the Graduate School via e-mail. Please click for the draft of the announcement. You should update it with your details. Please do let us know of the contact details of the jury members coming from other universities with the mail addresses.
- Immediately following your defense, all required forms must be completed and signed and must be submitted to Graduate School within 3 days at latest.
On the day of thesis defense, prepare “tez tutanağı” which can be found below. This is the form that starts your graduation process. It is important that you have it ready in print and make all the members sign it. The form is in Turkish due to YOK (Higher Education Council of Türkiye) standards however we can help you with the translation if you need it.
After the thesis defense the documents in below need to be delivered to the Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering:
- On the day of thesis defense, the form of “tez tutanağı” must be signed by the all thesis jury members and must be submitted to Graduate School.
- 3 thesis books must be submitted to Graduate School and the Pdf version of the thesis must be uploaded to the ONLINE FORM within 3 weeks after the thesis defense date. Needed information for the cover and volume part of the thesis can be found HERE.
- “Suna Kıraç Library Thesis Submission Form” must be submitted to Graduate School within 3 weeks after the thesis defense date.
- All graduate students must be authorized through e-government gateway to fill Thesis Entry Form (Tez Veri Giriş Formu). For more details, please click here. Thesis Entry Form (Tez Veri Giriş Formu) must be submitted to Graduate School within 3 weeks after the thesis defense date. This form can be found at: /
After graduation you should login and create an account in our Alumni System.