Graduate Student Guidelines

Forms and Guidelines for Graduate STUDENTS


All MS students (with thesis & without thesis in graduate programs must have a graduate advisor who is appointed by the Graduate School of the student no later than the end of the student’s 1st semester in the program.

After the appointment of the advisor, MS students must submit their thesis proposal to the graduate office no later than the end of the 2nd semester.

All PhD students in graduate programs must have a graduate advisor who is appointed by the Graduate School of the student no later than the end of the student’s 2nd semester in the program.


The date of the qualifying exam is specified according to the protocol issued by the academic Council. However, students who are accepted with a Master degree must take the qualifying exam until the end of the fifth semester, and students who are accepted with a Bachelor degree must take the qualifying exam until the end of the seventh semester the latest.

Qualifying exams are arranged and carried out by a thesis committee consisting of five members who are recommended by the department board and approved by the Executive Council. The exam jury consists of five faculty members, including the thesis advisor, and at least two members from a university other than the one they are affiliated with. Whether the thesis advisor has the right to vote or not is specified by the relevant Executive Council. If the thesis advisor does not have the right to vote, the jury consists of six faculty members. The qualifying exam takes place in an environment where faculty members, graduate students and field experts are able to participate.


A Doctoral Thesis Monitoring Committee is appointed on the recommendation of the  program and approval of the Executive Council within one month after the student passes the Doctoral Qualifying Examination.

Thesis Monitoring Committee is comprised of three faculty members. Except for the thesis advisor, there is one member from inside the program and one member from outside the program. If there is a co-advisor, co-advisor may attend the committee meetings.


Master thesis jury members are assigned with the recommendation of the thesis advisor and the relevant department board with the approval of the Executive Council. Jury members are comprised of three or five faculty members, one of them being the thesis advisor, and at least one jury member from a university other than the one they are affiliated with. If a jury committee is comprised of three members, the co-advisor cannot be a jury member.

The doctoral Thesis Jury is appointed on the recommendation of the department board and with the approval of the Executive Council. The jury consists of five members, including the student’s advisor, three of them from the thesis monitoring committee and at least two members from a university other than the one they are affiliated with. Whether the thesis advisor has the right to vote or not is specified by the relevant Executive Council. If thesis advisor does not have the right to vote, the jury consists of six faculty members. The co-advisor may be in the jury without having the right to vote.