Language Models as World Models

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-05-02 13:00

2023-05-02 13:00

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Language Models as World Models

The extent to which language modeling induces representations of the world outside text—and the broader question of whether it is possible to learn about meaning from text alone—have remained a subject of ongoing debate across NLP and cognitive sciences. I’ll present two studies from my lab showing that transformer language models encode structured and manipulable models of situations in their hidden representations. I’ll begin by presenting evidence from *semantic probing* indicating that LM representations of entity mentions encode information about entities’ dynamic state, and that these state representations are causally implicated downstream language generation. Despite this, even today’s largest LMs are prone to glaring semantic errors: they hallucinate facts, contradict input text, or even their own previous outputs. Building on our understanding of how LMs build models of entities and events, I’ll present a *representation editing* model called REMEDI that can correct these errors directly in an LM’s representation space, in some cases making it possible to generate output that cannot be produced with a corresponding textual prompt, and to detect incorrect or incoherent output before it is generated.

Speaker Information

Jacob Andreas, MIT