Machine Learning for Autonomously Learning Robots

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-03-26 13:00

2023-03-26 21:00

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Machine Learning for Autonomously Learning Robots

I am driven by the question of how robots can autonomously develop skills to become versatile helpers for humans. Considering children, it seems natural that they have their own agenda. They playfully explore their environment, without the necessity for somebody to tell them exactly what to do next. Replicating such flexible learning in machines is highly challenging. I will present my research on different machine learning methods as steps towards solving this challenge. Part of my research is concerned with artificial intrinsic motivations — their mathematical formulation and embedding into learning systems. Equally important is to learn the right representations and internal models and I will show how powerful intrinsic motivations can be derived from learned models. With model-based reinforcement learning and planning methods, I show how we can achieve active exploration and playful robots but also safety aware behavior. A really fascinating feature is that these learning-by-playing systems are able to perform well in unseen tasks zero-shot.


Speaker Information

Georg Martius, University of Tübingen