Economics Brown Bag Seminar -Mehmet Yörükoğlu

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-05-10 16:00

2023-05-10 17:30

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CASE 127

Economics Brown Bag Seminar -Mehmet Yörükoğlu

What are the effects of trademarks on the U.S. economy? Evidence from comprehensive firm-level data on trademark registrations and outcomes suggests that trademarks protect firm value and are associated with higher firm growth and marketing activity. Motivated by this evidence, trademarks are introduced in a general equilibrium framework to quantify their aggregate effects. In the model, firms invest in product quality and marketing to build a customer base subject to depreciation. Firms can register trademarks to protect their customer base and reduce the cost of informing consumers. The model’s predictions on the incidence and timing of trademark registrations, as well as firm growth and advertising expenditures, are consistent with the empirical evidence. Analysis of the calibrated model indicates that the U.S. economy with trademarks generates higher product variety, quality, and welfare, along with higher concentration, compared to the counterfactual economy with no trademarks.