Nurses Week Symposium

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-05-11 18:00

2023-05-11 23:30

Map Location


Nurses Week Symposium

“The Nursing Week Symposium” planned in cooperation with Koç University School of Nursing, Semahat Arsel Nursing Education, Practice and Research Center and Koç Healthcare, will be held online on Thursday, May 11th 2023 between 15.00-17.30 at local time in Turkey. One of the invited speakers in the symposium is Dr. Pamela Cipriano, the President of the International Council of Nursing, and her speech will be on “Global Health and Nursing: Our Nurses, Our Future.” The other invited speaker is Dr. Ruth Ludwick, the Director of Geriatric Nursing Research at Robinson Memorial Hospital and a leading member of the American Academy of Nursing for her leadership in nursing care standards, and she will speak on “Our Nurses, Our Future: The Current Situation in the USA.” The representative of the Turkish Nurses Association will also speak at the event. You can see the details of the symposium and the CVs of the speakers in the attachment, and the Zoom link for participation below. We would be pleased if you join our symposium and forward the symposium information to the relevant colleagues.

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Lifelong Learning

Speaker Information

School of Nursing