Economics Seminar- Ha Bui

Date and Time Date and Time

2024-01-26 11:00

2024-01-26 15:15

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CASE 127

Economics Seminar- Ha Bui

This paper studies the impact of local income inequality on household consumption and welfare through the changing availability of varieties of consumer goods. I find that in high-inequality counties, more varieties are offered to households. However, households living in high-inequality counties purchase fewer varieties compared to similar ones in low-inequality counties. This happens even though households shop in more stores in high-inequality counties. These effects are even more pronounced for individuals in the tails of the income distribution. To quantify channels underlying these empirical findings and speak to the welfare impact, I develop a model featuring an endogenous number of varieties produced by firms and a choice over which varieties to purchase by households. After estimating many of the parameters of the model, I show that the model can reproduce both empirical facts.

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Speaker Information

Ha Bui -The University of Texas at Austin