Decoupling The Input Graph and The Computational Graph: The Most Important Unsolved Problem in Graph Representation Learning

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-11-14 10:00

2023-11-14 10:00

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Decoupling The Input Graph and The Computational Graph: The Most Important Unsolved Problem in Graph Representation Learning

When deploying graph neural networks, we often make a seemingly innocent assumption: that the input graph we are given is the ground-truth. However, as my talk will unpack, this is often not the case: even when the graphs are perfectly correct, they may be severely suboptimal for completing the task at hand. This will introduce us to a rich and vibrant area of graph rewiring, which is experiencing a renaissance in recent times. I will discuss some of the most representative works, including two of our own contributions (,, one of which won the Best Paper Award at the Graph Learning Frontiers Workshop at NeurIPS’22.

Speaker Information

Petar Velickovic from Google DeepMind