Towards More Societal Engagement and Inclusion in Medical Practices

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-05-16 23:05

2023-05-16 23:05

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Towards More Societal Engagement and Inclusion in Medical Practices

This special event brings together medical faculties across the UNIC alliance to talk public health and social engagement in our cities. What does it mean to be inclusive in medical practices? What does good engagement of society look like, and what obstacles do we encounter? NGOs, non-profits and students are welcome to participate! Part I: Engaged Education and Research (14:05-15:00) El Zahra Elkawafi & Naomi Nguyen, Erasmus MC Marianna Bevova, Director GIGA, University of Liège Natalie T., Erasmus MC HASAN BAYRAM, Koç University Angela Flynn, Inclusion Health Research Group, University College Cork Part II: Reach and Inclusion (15:00-16:00) Nikki Jansen & Gert-Jan V., Dona Daria, voor een inclusieve samenleving. Georgios Paslakis, Ruhr University Bochum Sam Riedijk, Erasmus MC Prof. Mehmet Kemal Kuscu, Koç University Mary Cronin, Inclusion Health Research Group, UCC Cork Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux, One Health, ULiège To register:

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