Science Fair 2023

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-05-31 10:00

2023-05-31 18:00

Map Location

Science Courtyard

Science Fair 2023

Dear Members of the Koç University Community, College of Sciences will have “Science Fair-2023” on Wednesday, May 31 in the Science courtyard. This is an opportunity to meet your peers, graduate students, faculty members, and the Dean. We are excited to see you all in such a casual but inspiring and motivating get-together. 10:00 Astronomy Seminar - Fethi M. Ramazanoğlu - SCIZ24 11:00 Chat & Talk: Why we study Calculus and Differential Equations? - Varga Kalantarov-Burak Özbağcı - Science Courtyard 12:30 Talk: Genetics & Ethics - İsmail Kudret Sağlam - Science Courtyard 13:00-15:00 Science Demos and Research Posters - Science Courtyard 13:00-17:00 Science & Art Exhibition - Science Courtyard 15:00 Chat & Talk: Meeting with faculty members who work in the field of Quantum Technology - Özgür Müstecaplıoğlu-M. Cengiz Onbaşlı - Science Courtyard 15:30 Science Quiz – KUBilim - Science Courtyard 16:00 Music – KUOrchestra - Science Courtyard * All events during the Science Fair are open to all students of different backgrounds

Speaker Information

Fethi M. Ramazanoğlu , Varga Kalantarov-Burak Özbağcı, İsmail Kudret Sağlam, M. Cengiz Onbaşlı